Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Codes and Conventions of Filming and Editing Interviews

- Interviewee is positioned to one side of the camera, and the interviewer on the opposite side behind the camera
- Interviewee never looks at the interviewer not the camera
- Interviewee's eye line is roughly a third of the way down the screen
- A Banner with the Interviewee's name and any needed information for a newly introduced interviewee
- Mise en scene relates to the interview or interviewee, to give the audience more information
- Never filmed into a source of light, as the camera focuses on the light
- Mid close up, medium shot or close up used on interviewee
- Different interviewee's are positioned alternatively to create variety
- Shots of film and pictures are edited into interview with a voice over to keep the audience intrigued
- Questions asked by the interviewer are editted out of the interview

- Cutaways are edited into interviews for 2 reasons;
- Break up and illustrate the interview
-Avoid jumps and cuts when editing

- Cutaways are;
- Archive material
- Suggested by interviewee

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